Tuesday 15 February 2011

Christchurch or new England?

Final boat trip similar to first but island much bigger and beach much worse!Not that you'd know from this picture!!  It was apparently built for a tv show and is now the haunt of affluent backpackers, personally other island better although could not stay there but castaway and bounty look the same. Lunch grilled fish etc and salad, had a go in one of the kayaks and did a bit of exploring before return and inevitable rain .Passed a very classy resort (allegedly) where you stay in villas over the sea, no arguing or end up wet!

Enjoyable trip and suntan coming along nicely, long travelling day in prospect, woke up to news of Mubarak's resignation in Egypt, hope that works out Ok. Travelling relatively easy and as weather cloudy rather than sunny in the morning not so difficult to leave, managed to get a photo of some showers from the plane as left Fiji.

Enjoyed the flight from Auckland to Christchurch as had a chance to view the country from the air, some amazing river valleys on view. Quite late by time arrived at the hotel so ventured out for quick supper on Oxford terrace, by the river Avon so very homely!

Christchurch has a third of the population of the south island in it but seemed pretty quiet and certainly little traffic. I managed to book a wine tour for the afternoon and had the morning to wander, passing punting on the river, the cathedral square with street entertainers

and an old routemaster bus used for tourists, very nostalgic, they also have an old tram system may try it when we are back here in a week or so.

The wine tour proved good value with 4 vinyards visited with a minimum of 6 wines tasted and lunch and a tour of a vinyard was included! The weather has continued cloudy but not too cold. Tour starts tomorrow at 7am oh joy!

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