Saturday 19 February 2011

Stewart Island

Leisurely breakfast in room before stroll round the town, then a tour of the island. Wonderful beaches and shame rather grey day.

Much of it is a national park and they are trying to ensure indigenous species are not displaced. Founded by Scots hence Oban is the main (and only ) town with apparently 380 inhabitants in total and children have to board on the mainland from the age of 13. A few habitations are outside the town but services are extremely limited and expensive. Electricity is produced by generators which run on fuel shipped over from the mainland! Just starting to put in some solar panels but not the sunniest place, whilst there is lots of wind but quite a lot of concern over the effect of wind turbines on the views and wildlife, so life not easy.

We then crossed over to Ulva island which is uninhabited and a bird sanctuary, some lovely birdsong and caught sight of a number of famous birds including a saddleback

and fantail which I failed to capture on film as well as their version of a robin.

The birdsong of some was lovely while we got to see how the forest is without main paths as well as seeing an orchid in flower.

Molly birds on the way back which are actually albatrosses landing much more elegantly on the sea than I've seen them land on the ground!
 Crossing to look forward tomorrow likely to be rougher than journey over, hopefully I will keep breakfast down.

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